Wednesday 23 November 2016

marketing for on track

Marketing Campaign for On Track

Marketing campaign is a key moment in order for our film to get enough views. We wish to have a wide variety of types of campaign that will intrigue our primary audience as well as our secondary audience. These types of campaigns will be more aimed towards the secondary audience as the main audience will be intrigued as soon as they see one type of the marketing campaign. The main type of marketing campaign that we are looking into getting the most viewers from is social media. With social media being statistically proven that it gains most of their viewers, many companies like to pursue with this type of idea to campaign for their film. Through our social media we wish to campaign more types through social media, such as poster campaigns and links to radio adds. Social media types that we are looking into producing for our film is T|witter, Facebook and Instagram. This is enough social media platforms that allows our type of audience to share our information and to promote the film to their friends and family. Further down the line with the making of the film, we have thought about developing a Snapchat account to show fans of the film the progress of our film making.

A different type of campaign that we wish to promote our film with is billboards, posters and the sides of buses. This type of social media enables a wide range of people to see what type of film it is and as there is buses that travel it will be aimed towards more people rather than the primary and secondary audience. Through billboards and posters, this can be a marketing idea to campaign for the actors within the film, if they are familiar actors this will intrigue people to come and watch the film. Also if someone sees an actor that is their favourite they will want to try and see the film as they enjoy watching that certain actor.

Another type of marketing campaign that we desire to use to promote our film would be radio adverts. This is a good type of broadcasting technique because it will get a range of audience intrigued. By using a radio advert to promote our film we could get various different radio adverts to be broadcasted, this means that different types of radios will be intriguing a range of audiences which allows more people to come and watch the film. Within our radio advert we can talk about the themes that our film portrays and slight events that will occur. This will give the audience an idea of what will happen throughout, giving people the chance to decide whether they like the film or not.

prop list for on track

Props research and list

School Track and Long Jump Pit
School Football Dome

School Swimming Pool

Our school swimming pool is a location and prop used to help us with our titles but to also show Renae's training habits as apposed to Sophie's. There will be a large difference to show the audience the comparison in backgrounds that both characters come from.

Relay Baton
We thought to maybe use a relay baton in cooperation with the training scene. As our inspiration is fast girls, we have gotten many ideas from that film however are staying far away from copying the plot or the film in general. As an idea, this baton could be used within training in the dome to show the girls working together one on one, this will then show the relationship between the runners develop in a short time scale.

With our stop watch, we wish to use the technique of editing to use the stop watch numbers to transition into one of the titles within the film whether that be a position, the name of the film or the actors within the film.


Our weights could again be used in cooperation with representing the titles. However, the main use of our weights will be showing Renae in a gym. This will be able to represent the wealth which Renae and her family portray. These types of locations and props are used to show what Sophie hasn't got and can't afford yet can still achieve the same level as someone with a lot of money.


Renae's and Sophie's clothing will change throughout the events of the film opening. Sophie's clothing will look ragged and old to start with compared to Renae; wearing all designer, fresh looking and clean clothes. Towards the end, you may see Sophie in nicer clothing that would have been gifted too her either by her new coach or her sponsored brand. 

story boards for on track

Story Boards- On Track

Story Boards- On Track
Audio Storyboard

On the storyboard it states the time and place of each shot, this was important to do because it allowed us to be able to know exactly what to do when we were filming. It also states how long each shot should last so that ewe then got the timings exactly correct.  We was informed to record an audio version of the storyboard for this film opening too make it more in depth and too talk through exactly what should happen. We thought this is a better idea as the explanation would be more thorough and the understanding would be more efficient. 

film titles for on track

film titles-

our title for the film is "ON TRACK" the title needs to represent fast pace and sports, to do this i am linking the fast and furious title with one that i found on google but i am also going to look on premier pro to see what titles may come up.

Monday 21 November 2016

music for on track

any music used will start soon as sophie/ renae puts there earphones on.

All i do is win-

whoop there it is-

city can't hold us-

remember the name-

location for on track

Great Baddow High school-

  • dome 

  •  pool 

  • dancestudio
  • running track

  • running track

  • stadium

alleys of great baddow- 

presentation for film opening feed back

film opening feedback

audience for on track

Our main audience (primary audience) for our film consists of 12-20 year olds which is a wide range of people. It ranges from young teenagers to young adults. The primary audience after the film release may extend a little bit more for people in their 20's to 30's. However, regardless of the audience depending on their age, the main people that will be attracted to the film will be sportsman as a group as they will enjoy watching something that they feel passionate about. Although footballers or cricketers many not like to watch a film about girls doing athletics, it is still along the same topic which enables a wide range of people to be attracted to the film. 
The picture above is the type of person that we have in mind that is our target audience. We aim to role in as much variety of an audience as possible. 
Moreover, as for the secondary audience, this is the type of people that will be brought along to watch the film without an eager feeling to watch it. For example, someone is really wanting to go to the cinema and watch it, they will ask someone to bring their partner / friend / sibling or parents along, to ensure that they get a chance to watch the film. The secondary audience is the audience that we hope too boost our intake of our money and hope to get most of our profit from. Although there will be more viewers that are our primary audience there will still be a large majority of people that are our secondary audience. 

on track script

On Track Script

On Track Script
Renae wakes up from her alarm going off (start of opening song) 
Crosses off a day on calendar
Shows Renae puts trainers on
- puts on trainers and clothes
- pits bottle in gym bag and walks out her bedroom. 
Renae: Bye dad, I’m going to train.                                                                                         
Gav: Have fun darling, train hard, see you later. 
Renae turns up at gym.
Scene switch to Sophie of running out the door with her hands full, raining, and gets a phone call asking if she come to work quickly. 
Shots of Sophie walking down the street and runs around the field
Sophie meets coach over the park
Coach: You're half a second out
            You better step up your game now
Sophie: Okay dad
Coach: Im coach to you
Sophie: You want more? Ill show you what I've got
Shows Renae in the gym working out (weights, abs, running machine
Renae finishes in the gym and gets in the car to go to swimming 
Comes out from swimming and its night 
Switches to second day when renae and sophie meet
Changing rooms of school- day before competition (team meets)
Sophie and Renae meet with the main coach 
Coach: Welcome ... Im your new coach
Renae: New Coach? What you on about, your my coach, i pay for you privately
Coach: yes and now I'm  both of your  coach, get used to it
Sophie to Renae: You ite I'm ..
Renae: Im not here to make friends.. lets just do our events
Coach: Im glad you have now met, lets go do this

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Shooting schedule for film opening

shooting schedule for film opening:

  1. Usain bolt speech about athletics is played over the top of Renae and Sophie training 
  2. opening shot is a close up shot on an alarm clock showing the time, this will be a close up just to show the time and it has a resemblance throughout the opening. during this shot it will be a close up to a wide shot so the shot will glide back to show the whole room.
  3. there is then a close up shot of a calendar and then from that a closer shot of a certain date of the competition.
  4. another close up shot of Renae putting on shoes. 
  5. wide shot of Renae shouting to her dad OR shot of Renae putting water in her gym bag 
  6. close shots and wide shots of the gym shown the environment renae is just about to enter. 
  7. close up shot of renae walking through the door. 
  8. changes to sophie, quick change to close up of Sophie closing her door and putting her hood up in the rain. 
  9. sophie gets a call (close up) 
  10. wide of sophie and her coach
  11. wide shot of sophist coach and sophie
  12. close up of sophie sweating 
  13. renae close up of her face sweating
  14. zoom of to renae on treadmill 

Friday 11 November 2016

production diary film opening

production day 1 07/11/16
today we found out our groups, the group that has been put to gather to complete the film opening task are travis, renae and Sophie.  we gathered in our group and discussed what we are going to present on the following Friday, we all came up with an idea each and in the end we ended up with two different ideas: magicians (hustlers on the street) and sports (two sporting girls who have a passion for sport.
production day 2 08/11/16
today Sophie was the only one present this day as travis and renae had sporting event to intend for there BTEC course but sophie started planning and then writing the presentation on prezi. prezi is a story board presentation which allows you to use animation to move from slide to slide so that the presentation looks more professional. during the absence of the others Sophie completed two/ three slides for the press presentation. 
production day 3 09/11/16
we then put the prize together and we chose a film to go with, we chose to do a sports film and this sports film will be a montage opening with music in the back ground and having a beginning middle and end.
but also in the presentation we include the idea of our other film (magic film) so that people could see both of the ideas but overall we wanted to go with the sports film because it seems a more fun and good film opening and film idea to take place. 
production day 4 (the presentation) 11/11/16
our prezi presentation went well as we explained the films well. our feed backs on the sheets and it states that the film idea is a good idea and could make a strong film.

Production Diary 5

Today, we started planning our shots and our script. We also had a discussion with our teacher about what actors we need in our film opening. We are planning to have a two different P.E teachers from our school to be coaches for the two running girls in our film. We are thinking of having a more experienced coach for Renae as she is the 'rich' girl, and we are then thinking of having a less experienced coach for Sophie as she is the less fortunate girl. We have also started to plan the outfits that the girls will wear in the different scenes. In the running scenes Renae will have up to date running clothes and trainers, whereas Sophie will have run down and worn out clothes and trainers. This will show to the audience the difference in the two girls.

Production Diary 6

As we had a large discussion with our teacher about costumes and locations yesterday, we decided to move onto another topic that is key for our production and Renae decided to start the storyboards as a help for our plan of the production. Renae and Sophie went a long and helped each other. Sophie went ahead and worked on the script and how we could relate our script to the storyboard. The script helped Renae with the storyboard because it gave her a guideline to follow when producing the storyboard as it gave her a plot to work with. Along with the storyboard, our film pitch presentation also gave us our ideas to what is going to happen throughout the film opening. Travis was also doing thorough research into the music that we desire to use within our film. He also explored other types of audio that could go over the film opening and he came up with the idea of using an inspirational speech over the top of Sophie and Renae acting / exercising within the film. This will give the audience and idea of what their aspiration is. 

Production Diary 7

On this day, we carried on from the following lesson and tried to expand our ideas. Renae and Sophie followed through with the Script and Storyboard coming up with ideas on how to develop our film opening. Travis began to follow up with the emails to the Olympic stadium and carried on making a plan b in case the Olympic stadium wasn't available for us to film in. We got an email later that day explaining that we would be allowed to be film inside the West Ham stadium however the track is no longer there as it used to be the fact that the £G pitch is rolled up and the track from the Olympics was underneath, however that is no longer the case. We also recalled our lap charts with our teachers and decided what tasks between Sophie, Travis and Renae we wanted to do. We all decided on an equal amount of jobs to do so that we could all have a good quality piece of work to finish with as well as the final piece. All this work as a part of our planning will benefit our final production. 

Production Diary 8
On this day Sophie was on her own and began to start on her jobs that all of the group was allocated. We all got separate jobs so that we could have a work load that we could all finish at the same time. Sophie continued to up date the production diary's and completed the blog post on the audience type. Travis and Renae decided to catch up with todays work over the weekend to ensure that all the work will be completed in time for us to start filming.

production diary 9 
In comparison to the other days that our group has worked together, we all got on with our allocated jobs to ensure that we would be finished at the same time to start filming. Sophie finished the script, marketing campaign and the audience. Renae finished the storyboards and started with the risk assessments. Travis continued to research music that could be involved within the film and we caught up our teacher with where  we were at. For a moment we discussed how we should think of multiple locations of where we should film each shot as we got told we couldn't film the majority of the film at the olympic stadium. We resulted n using our school track, long jump pit, football dome and swimming pool facilities. We also decided that this Thursday we should run through a practice of filming for our swimming scene of Renae training. We also thought that we should film the training montage soon as this is supposed to look like the best quality and professional sequence of the film opening. 

production diary 10
on this day Sophie was off ill, but she done some work on blogger at home. Travis finished off his preparations for filming and he also looked at the music and titles for the editing side but as our story board was not uploaded we could not go out and film. Renae was finishing off the story boards, when finished Renae filmed the final product of the story board and the next day we have to finish off eating that so it goes up onto our blogs. 

Production Diary 11

Production Diary 12

Production Diary 13

Production Diary 14
On this day we decided to film all the mini clip shots of Sophie running from her house to meet her coach over the park. We filmed in an alley way that had an autumnal look for the film with mud and leaves to represent that Sophie doesn't have the money for nice facilities. We also got a variety of different shots such as low and high to give the audience a different range for when they watch the film opening. We also got a few long shots of Renae running on the track as a few test shots or if they was good we intend to use them in the opening. 

Production Diary 15
Today we decided to film the shots that will be switching between the olympic runners and Sophie and Renae. This will be too show the audience the aim of both the characters. 
Renae and Sophie both wore similar outfits too show this is what it would be like in the real races. We got a various amount of different angles and shots for the film. We also experimented with a wheelchair to get a smooth tracking shot and we all liked the outcome of how it looked.

Production Diary 16
Our group wasn't all here on this day so we worked with who we had present at various different times and what shots we had left to film as individual actors. Travis and Sophie filmed some shots in the morning with Sophie's 'coach'. In the morning we continued to film various shots of Sophie training in the ice cold to show that she doesn't have a lot of money compared to the other character 'Scarlett'. Further on in the day, Sophie was present again but instead of Travis, Renae was able to film. Sophie and Renae went to Renae's house to film a few house shots such as waking up and putting on shoes which is the start of the film opening. 

Production Diary 17
We are coming to the end of our shooting and we have only a few scenes left too film. We have got most of the footage however, we need to get the rest of the short quick shots which we are using throughout and for the montage which is vital bit of the film. We have decided to cut out the bit where Sophie meets some of the rest of her team on the track instead we have decided it to be Sophie and Renae meeting each other for the first time when Sophie is introduced to her new coach also. Rory was acting within this day to be Renaes Coach and the scenes we filmed on this day will be in comparison to yesterdays scenes, too show the difference between the characters. Rory and Renae filmed the scene within the gym of Renae training and we also filmed the calendar shot. 

Production Diary 18
It is two days until our first draft deadline so we have had to rush to get all of our footage together. On this day we recorded the scene in the swimming pool for a part of the montage. We also are trying to gather all of our footage together in a sequence ready for the first draft to be looked at. Throughout the editing process and putting all of our footage in sequence we noticed that we haven't got as many shots as we hoped for. The only footage that we have left to film is a few different sports for the montage and the dome scene when the two different characters meet each other. 

Production Diary 19
Today is the day that our first draft is due in. Travis edited his own version over the weekend with shot clips of footage to use within our first draft and expand further on from this. We carried on to edit our further draft within in school and Sophie edited the version on the mac in school. We managed to edit more of the footage from the swimming pool scene and I inserted the footage from the go pro as well. From finishing the editing of this scene we moved on to edit the long jump scene of Sophie. 

Production Diary 20
The day after our first draft was submitted we had to take part in a peer assessment task. Everyones first draft was submitted onto the schools youtube and we all had to watch them to give them feedback. After watching other people's productions we came to a  result that we needed to improve our film opening a lot more. We had a quick read over peoples feedback and the majority argument was that the film opening doesn't have much of a story to it and many people didn't understand it. 

Production Diary 21
On this lesson we had a quick look over the footage within the film opening and we needed more of Sophie too show the difference between the two characters. We went back to Sophie's house and filmed the exact same shots of the footage of Renae that is presented at the beginning of the film opening. We filmed Sophie putting on her shoes, going down the stairs and walking out the door. This will be the split screen between Sophie and Renae which will try and show the difference between the two characters. 

Production Diary 22
Sophie wasn't in on this day so Travis and Renae worked with what Sophie had edited on the mac. They looked over the footage that Sophie had already edited and looked over the fast girls opening. We was told that it was urgent to insert titles on the film opening because it was a key feature with getting better grades. Travis and Renae wrote down all the different titles that were present at the beginning of the fast girls opening. There is a total of 27 titles that need to be inserted within the film opening. 

Production Diary 23
Sophie was back in school on this day and everyone as a group looked over the film opening as it is. We continued to develop the stage of inserting different titles within the film opening. We also realised that we need to insert a production logo from one person of the group and we also needed to add a video of a production logo from a large company so we resulted to use Warner Brothers. Within the editing, Sophie also improved the film and added a split screen between the two actors to try and show the contrast between the two. 

Production Diary 24
It is the final week approaching our last time to tweak edit our film opening and we are nearly finished but it is coming to an end. We have finished all of the editing and arranging of the clips. Renae started on the website for the film which is the side of the marketing campaign for the film, along with this travis also created a bus poster which would go on the side of a bus which would also be a part of the promoting scheme. The last part of promotion that we all need to finalise is the film poster. Sophie carried on with the editing whilst Travis and Renae continued with their separate tasks and she carried on with the titles.

Production Diary 25
Today Sophie and Renae wasn't in the lesson as they was helping two girls in the year above with their coursework for their music video. Travis looked over the edit and tweaked a few aspects that he wasn't happy with and also looked over the website that Renae had created for the film opening. 

Production Diary 26
None of us had a lesson today but Sophie and Renae took their time to go to their Media class too look over the edit after Travis had a look over it yesterday. They both wanted too see the work that Travis had successfully progressed with and too see if they could add anything else too it. Renae added a gun shot sound at the end of the film as we need to get going as our deadline is in two days. Also Sophie looked over the opening after this and inserted the rest of the titles that needed typing up. In addition too this she added a few transition effects too make the shots flow together smoothly.

Production Diary 27
It is the day before our final deadline day and there is still quite an amount of work left too complete. Our teacher looked over our edit so far and gave us quite a bit of feedback too work on. Also we had too change our institution as it wasn't realistic enough and couldn't be justified; we changed it from Warner Brothers too Film 4. All of us also tried to catch up with our blog work and looked over our lap chart too see who had each of their jobs left too complete. 

Production Diary 28
It is approaching the last day of editing our final edit and our whole group have things to complete. Travis sorted out the titles on this day within the edit to make sure they look more professional than before. Renae tried to finish off the website to ensure that our marketing campaign is complete. Sophie carried on with the blog to keep the blogs up to date. For example she added teacher's feedback to the blog and is finishing off all of the production diaries. 

Production Diary 29
Today is the final day of editing and is the last day that we can finish off the film opening. The film opening is almost finished and the titles have been sorted out. On this day we have been sorting out the music, all the titles and all the small effects that make it all piece together. We have exported our video and is to be put on our blogs soon. 

Thursday 10 November 2016


Narrative - The retelling of a story

Barthes' Codes- Significant items and objects.
Example - enigma code
What are key characters showing (who, what, why, where?)

Aristotle - A famous Greek philosopher. He stated that all stories need a beginning, middle and end, and created a template for this.

Todorov - theorized that each narrative passed five stages:
Equilibrium - the state of normality.
Disruption of equilibrium - a character or action or action which disrupts the state of normality.
Main protagonist recognises that the equilibrium has been disrupted.
Restoration of equilibrium- The protagonist attempts to restore the equilibrium.
New equilibrium - Equilibrium is restored, but transformations and changes have occurred from the original equilibrium.

- All narratives have a common structure
- Shaped by characters

- good narrative is caused by opposites (binary opposites such as male/female, good/evil)

Up narrative:
Significant items/signs-Clouds, mailbox, picnic basket

For a good impact on the audience when they are watching the opening scene of a film there are three main theories that film makers use and they are all to do with Barthes' codes. one of the theories is action, the action in this film opening is the growth of the relation ship in age and love, action happens throughout the opening but there is a 10 second build up to each action  part such as finding out there is a child on the way and then the Acton is that the child is lost and then comes the loss.

film opening task
captain America civil war opening scene:
0.00-0.04 directors- full page
0.04-0.07 screen play two people but full page
0.07-0.09 producer full page
0.09-0.12 executive producer full page one person
0.12-0.15 executive producers full page two people
0.15-0.18 executive producer's full page two people
0.18-0.21 biased on full page small font but big font on names
0.21-0.24 co-producer big font
0.24-0.26 associated producer large font
0.26-0.27 slide transition
0.27-0.30 director of photography large font
0.30-0.32 production designer same font all large
0.32-0.35 edited by  two people same font and size
0.35-0.37 slide transition


this story board represents the opening scene from juno. this is a film we are going to be working with, we are going to film the opening up to the 1.04 minute. we are going to film in different places so that we can get a near perfect match to the original. we will have juno and other characters to portray the film.  

Monday 7 November 2016

Juno evaluating

Juno task

  • You are editing your own footage - how did the filming go? 

  • the filming for Juno was hard to find the exact sports to use and the exact timings but it went well as we worked together to find everything we needed but the camera was shaky so to make the shots better I will keep a steady hand and a tripod for the gliding shots. also the weather was windy so during the filming there were shots where you could see the wind so it was not a complete match to the other video (Juno)

    I used effects to try and match the actual Juno piece but the shots were similar but the edit was hard to as it didn't have the equipment and the right effects to do so E.G. cartoon effect (find edges) and transitions such as wipe or slide were the only transitions i could use so doing all of the more complex transition was difficult as i did not have the programming to do so.

    • Was your storyboard accurate? 
    • What were your strengths and weaknesses in the group?
    • Did you get all the footage you needed?
    • What technical skills either camera or premiere did you learn? How does it compare to the original?
    • What went well - What I learnt - What I will take with me to the next production
    this story board represents the opening scene from juno. this is a film we are going to be working with, we are going to film the opening up to the 1.04 minute. we are going to film in different places so that we can get a near perfect match to the original. we will have juno and other characters to portray the film.